In many jurisdictions, hoarding is considered a mental health issue.
For landlords and property managers, discovering that you have a hoarder tenant living in one of your properties can be distressing.
Depending on their behavior, the hoarding may constitute a non-economic breach of the lease, which *could* be grounds for eviction.
CTI Services can help identify the following:
- Damage to the property
- If emergency exits are blocked
- If there is interference with smoke detectors, ventilation or sprinkler systems
- If potentially explosive materials are being stored on the property
- Identify if perishable goods are stored in a manner that could attract mold or rodents
- Identify if animals are housed in a way that breaks the law
There is a thin line between dirty tenants and hoarders. Through regular property and tenant inspections CTI Services will make you aware of the circumstances regarding your unit to help you take action sooner rather than later.
Here is a recent news story of an apartment fire caused by tenant hoarding that resulted in a successful $4.85 million class action suit against the landlord and property manager for not dealing with complaints.